Elective studies and secondary subject modules

Both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s degree must include elective studies. These are studies that may be freely selected by the student so that they support his/her individual study pathway. At the Master’s level at the latest, the student must include secondary subject studies — either a predefined secondary subject module or one individually designed for the student.

A secondary subject module is: either a predefined secondary subject module consisting of units at the Sibelius Academy; or a module provided by other schools at UniArts Helsinki, by the Open Campus or by other universities; or an individual series of studies selected by the student and approved for the student’s HOPS.

Secondary subject studies may be divided between the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels in the student’s HOPS if necessary. (Secondary subject studies will be credited at the Master’s level, but any credits included in the Bachelor’s degree will not count towards the Master’s degree. For more information on how the secondary subject is entered on the degree certificate, consult the Head of Academic Affairs.)

A secondary subject module may be 15 to 30 cr in scope. Studies included in a predefined secondary subject module are 15 to 25 cr in scope, and elective studies beyond that may be included in the module if the student so wishes.

Predefined secondary subject modules offered by the Sibelius Academy can be viewed here.

The programmes and tuition offering for studies common across Uniarts Helsinki can be seen in WebOodi (select the study guide for the school concerned).

http://weboodi.uniarts.fi –> Tools –> Study guides

Direct link to common studies study guides (2018-2019)

Direct link to the new study guide (1.8.2019 ->)